Big Hello to all in blog land today. Im feeling on top of the world. I have some big, big news. First of all..I have created a second blog. I deleted my muffinshmuffin blog as I found I never used it, and recreated a new one....But more on that later.
I wanted to tell you a story... Actually Ive cut and pasted it from my new enjoy the long read...
I met my wonderful, wonderful husband back in 1996 when i was just 17. We fell in love and we married in November 1998...the Best thing we EVER did! I love that guy!
In 2002, we found out we were expecting our first baby. We were very, very happy. Although we wanted to wait 5 years, once we got that news...all that didnt matter.
All was pretty straight foward. Not feeling too sick, not much in the way of cravings. In April 2002, at 15 weeks pregnant I started spotting.
That sickening, horrorfying feeling in the pit of my stomach came. I instantly broke down and sobbed. I just knew.
A trip to the E.R confirmed the bad news. A long story short, a few days later I was admitted for a D & C and that was the most empty, sad feeling. I cant even begin to explain.
Two months later, when all was settled with my body we got the green light to try again. Right on Cue...we fell pregnant again that month!!
We were very lucky.
At 12.36am Friday, 28th March 2008 {after a 27 hour labour} we welcomed Our beautiful, amazing, precoiuse little girl into the world. That was such a surreal moment.
When our baby girl turned 14 months, We once again we were thrilled to discover bub number 2 was on their way.
At 7.30am Friday 8th February 2005 We met the most amazing, handsome little man. Our son. Our little dude!
For the past 7 years, hubby and I have been tossing up whether we should have another. Weighing up the pro's and cons...well they were kinda equal, so it has been a VERY , VERY hard choice to make. Ever since I was 9 years old I said I would have "3 babies". We knew we always wanted another...we just needed a 'woopsy' to force that decision. LOL.
On saturday 19th May 2012, I got my period...4 weeks later, around the 16th June I was to get my next one. It never came. Sometimes my period can do this. I have been known to be 'late' at times. Sometimes going 5 weeks. But a few more days past and I was getting suspicious.
I told my hubby I was going to get a Home pregnancy test and he said "nah, just wait another week"...are you kidding me!!!???
Once I have my mind set I have to test. This was what I got...
FRIDAY 22nd June 2012 test done at 3.30pm...6 Days late...

So, so feint...I almost thought I was imagining. I had to hold it up to the light and kinda squint to see anything. Hubby told me it was all in my head. He 'claimed' he couldnt see anything. What do you think?
SATURDAY 23rd June 2012 taken at 8am...7 days late
Yep...Im pretty convinced theres a line. Hubby still deny's...but with a silly grin, LOL.
SUNDAY 24th June 2012 Taken at 9am...8 days late.
Ah, yeah...we're PREGNANT! Hubby couldnt deny this. Even though its still not DARK, DARK...there is a line...and that line keeps popping up, ever darker each day.
That makes me 5 weeks pregnant.
{I have to still make a doctors appointment to confirm with blood test, scans etc...I still freak a little with the whole miscarrage thing.}
Ok, so we are having a baby!! A little aprehensive...but alot happy. Not planned exactly, but defintly wanted.
This blog will be a week-by-week diary/journal of our baby bean. I plan to journal what happens as a keepsake for my baby.
For my other two, I did this by hand but with one, ive decided to do it online.
Feel free to follow my, our journey as a family, as we go from 4 and become 5.
Here we go..."
My new blog you can find here! and it's aptly named... "Oh Baby, Baby!".
So our nest is growing from 4 to 5! Yay!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm also a mother of three - the best thing I ever did! :-) Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy.