Hi all...Ok Im playing catch-up today with my blog as Ive had so much going on. To be honest I havnt had a lot of energy to put into my blog...or anything for that matter. Its been a hard year this year and I havnt had my mum either as she is still in rehab so Ive also being trying to deal with that and the r est...BUT its all ok. Im telling myself it will be ok...not perfect. Far from perfect but its ok.
Today is officially the first day of the spring school holidays and we are out the backyard, in the pool.
It is a stunningly warm day. I have my little neice here and the neighbors little girl, as well as my two. The four of them are swimming and playing games. Its nice. After such a long, cold, depressing winter its nice for this day.
Im happy, content and thankful for what I have.
I have the most incredable husband any woman could EVER wish for. My kids are beautiful, loving souls.
im thankful for my homely home and for the joy my family give me.
On that note I want to introduce a new memebr of our family to you all.

Today is officially the first day of the spring school holidays and we are out the backyard, in the pool.
It is a stunningly warm day. I have my little neice here and the neighbors little girl, as well as my two. The four of them are swimming and playing games. Its nice. After such a long, cold, depressing winter its nice for this day.
Im happy, content and thankful for what I have.
I have the most incredable husband any woman could EVER wish for. My kids are beautiful, loving souls.
im thankful for my homely home and for the joy my family give me.
On that note I want to introduce a new memebr of our family to you all.
Harry is our new baby. After much sadness we couldnt bare the emptiness and the spots where Jojo used to sit.
We decided a few days later to get a new baby, which we did.
Again we went to the animal welfare legue and we were thrilled to discover this little fellow arrived there that morning.
He is a 5 year old male maltese.
He isnt Replacing Jonah but he is defintly filling that big hole.
For about two weeks I tried to let poor Harry in but I think I was still grieving for Jonah.
I just couldnt love him like I did Jonah.
However last week, I had a day home with Harry. Just him and I.
I think we bonded. We reached a new level in our relationship. LOL
Now I think Harry and I are great friends.
Im still sad for Jonah but Harry now brings a smile to my face and melts my heart. He is my new little baby.
He is somewhat smaller than Jonah but so, so cute still.
He has differences to Jonah but alot of simalarities too.
He too is a gentle little soul. A snuggly, cuddley little friend.
He is getting used to our family and fitting in nicely.
His tiney little face is just too cute and we welcome our new little baby, Harry with open arms and open hearts.
Welcome Harry...we will have a lovely life together.