Last December I decided to finally get around to sorting, organising and making our home office 'pretty'.
I tried to do it as low budget as i could.
I used an old pine desk, as well as a very old pine bookshelf that had been sitting in the corner of our spare room gathering dust (and piles of junk).
So one week hubby and i got in and finished painting the walls, and then the man inside me LOL, came out. I pulled out the electric sander, paint gun and got to work.
Once all done, we brought it in placed the bookshelf on top of the desk. I had old black gift boxes that I repurposed into storage. Printed my own labels and here is the end result...

I tried to do it as low budget as i could.
I used an old pine desk, as well as a very old pine bookshelf that had been sitting in the corner of our spare room gathering dust (and piles of junk).
So one week hubby and i got in and finished painting the walls, and then the man inside me LOL, came out. I pulled out the electric sander, paint gun and got to work.
Once all done, we brought it in placed the bookshelf on top of the desk. I had old black gift boxes that I repurposed into storage. Printed my own labels and here is the end result...
Im happy to say that I was so pleased with the end result. The room was light airy, fresh and beautiful. I did most of the decorating with items i had. Its amazing what a bit of paint can do.
Well, almost 12months on...its still there but just not and tidy...*sad face*
I had all good intentions of being organised and tidy this year but as the months rolled on, the paper piles on the kitchen bench ended up just getting placed on the desk...and after so long doing this im no more organised than i was prior to the makeover *sigh*
Last week I was at Robina town centre walking past of my most favorite stores in the universe.
I go in there and indulge in my fanatises and in total denial that my home office will and does look like that store. doesnt, but one can dream, lol.
All the pretty white and blue boxes, files, paper, pens, diaries, calenders...ahhhhhhhhhhh..........H.E.A.V.E.N!
While I was there I noticed a woman siting down having a one on one consultation. I also noticed close by a brochure for 'paperflow' workshops. I asked the shop assistant about it.
I had heard about these before and wanted to do but in my denial thought "ive got it sorted, i dont need to do one of the organised queen"
After talking to the lovely store assistant, I admited defeat and decided I DO need help.
So i booked in for the last workshop of the year.
That was last night.
The workshop was a cosy affair. Just me and 3 other ladies (as well as the professional organiser and shop lady)
we were greeted with either a glass of champagne or sparkling water, and fresh strawberries, tim tams and crackers.
We introduced ourselves to each other and told each other why decided we needed to be there.
It was an hour workshop which included a handbook and a kikki.k pen. We also were entitled to 10% discount on the night as well as a one week after the workshop to allow us to go home and work out what we need.
It had some amazing ideas. Their 6 step paper station is fantastic and I am going to implement it into our home...not just in the office either.
The principles could be applied to almost anywhere in the home.
After it was all done I purchased the 2013 family calender ~ great for organising and planning things individually and as a family.
I also purchased the kikki.k 'peek-a-boo' shopping basket. it was suggested to leave it at the front door and place everything you need in the car. All you have to do is pick it up in the morning as your walking out the door and your not searching for things like DVDs, Library books, signed forms for school etc. As you remember (ideally the night before) place it in the basket.
Along with the basket I also purchased the 5-tab plastic pocket. This is also great to place in the basket for the smaller things like shopping list, mail, forms etc that I may need through out the day. It also fits neatly into my handbag.
So today Im all set and keen to tackel the office. Miss Mimi is home sick from school today so I am making the most of my time to start planning.
I think the problem I had origanally with my office is that I did all the decorating and put pretty boxes etc around but honestly...didnt realy serve a purpose other than to 'look pretty'.
Now my office will not just look pretty but will also be funtionable.
Today my goal is:
*Revising my notes
*sorting & cleaning office
*Planning what I need exactly to have a properly funtioning office
*making notes for what I need
The goal=
1.Have a fresher, tidier office that I can locate things at an instant
2. Have a smoother running home, Finances etc.
3. Save money
4. Happy family!
If you ever get a chance to do a kikki.k workshop I would definitly consider it.
I feel it has given me a new lease on organising and will be much, much easier to maintain in the long run.